Dr Sahad and his team delivers high standard of care at affordable cost in a timely manner and in a friendly setting.Please contact the clinic reception (Ph- 07 42425020) during office hours (8am to 5pm) to confirm your booking and time of consultation. Please feel free to talk to the receptionist regarding billing information if you have a confirmed booking.
- Please arrive at least 5mts before your appointment time and if you are late by any reason,inform the receptionist.
- If you are unable to attend due to any reason,Please ring and cancel your appointment at the earliest and so we can reschedule your booking to your convenient time depending on availability.
- Dr Sahad will discuss the best treatment options and we encourage you to write down your questions or items you wish to discuss during the consultation.
- Duration of consultation may vary from 15mts to 60 mts depending on the complexity of medical condition.
You should bring the following for a meaningful consultation
- All CT or MRI or PET scans and results of blood tests if available.
- If your GP has provided a Referral letter, please give the same to Receptionist on arrival if your GP/specialist has not faxed the referral already to Dr.Sahad.
- Medicare card, DVA card or Health insurance card as applicable.
- List of your medications and allergies if known.
- Bring Discharge Letter from Hospital (If applicable).